
The Cost of Fitness

In my (new) line of work, I often get questions that have to do with the cost of fitness. These discussions take many forms. Sometimes, we are talking about money. Sometimes we are talking about time. Sometimes we are talking about behavior modification. At the end of the day, I spend a good deal of time talking about the cost of fitness & I'd (surprisingly) like to spend a little more.

Here is my theory. EVERYTHING has a cost. Everything.

Obesity has a cost. Crumby diets have a cost. Low levels of physical fitness have a cost.

Don't think for one moment that it's inexpensive to keep buying new clothes in bigger sizes or something new because everything else makes you look fat. Don't think for one moment that restaurant food isn't far, far more expensive than home cooking. Where I live, beef costs more than vegetables. Don't think for one second that injuries related to obesity -- like the mystery fracture in your foot or leg or hip, the one you got from everyday movement or the breathing issues or the lethargy or the blood sugar problems -- are inexpensive. They most certainly are not.

Fitness also has a cost. You have to make time to work out. Of course, you have to make time to sit in front of the television & hit the drive through as well. You have to pay for at home workouts or gym memberships & these aren't cheap. Even free workouts like walking, running or biking take some level of financial investment for shoes and clothes, etc. If you research online resources, you'll be using time to do so. Time to read, understand, organize and implement your workout.
Convenience -- to both ends -- has a cost. Prepared foods have a price. Sedentary options - cable TV, video games, hours spent downing high calorie foods & drinks while you talk - have a price. Conversely, convenience for fitness costs money as well. Trainers save you planning and research while providing motivation and expertise, but they aren't free. At home DVDs - the good ones -- are created for maximum results in a prepackaged system, but that takes moolah. Bootcamps & group ex programs combine the benefits of both with the added plus of socialization, but -- you guessed it -- they take money.
Lastly, there is the issue of time. Let's face it, you didn't get out of shape and/or overweight by accident. It took decisions regarding activity & nutrition over a sustained period of time. Losing weight requires the same commitment. It will take time. When I was on a weight loss journey, I would tell myself that if I can lose this weight in half the time it took me to gain it, then that's a 200% improvement. Not too shabby.
Ultimately, the truth is that it all has a cost. In the end, you have to examine the payoff -- because you are getting something from whatever choice you are making, we are humans & that's how we are wired. I find myself listening to the folksy voice of Dr. Phil: "So how's that workin for ya?"
Until next,


Thanks, for nothin'

Ah, so we are 3 days in to the month of thanksgiving and already the fur is a-flying.

Today's question: Is it appropriate to place expectations on gratitude?

I have my own theories on whether it is appropriate to place expectations on people's actions in general, but we are getting ahead of ourselves here. For now, the issue I'd like to explore is that of expectations for gratitude.

Specifically, what I expect you to be thankful for and how I expect you to demonstrate that appreciation.

This week Facebook status updates in my little corner of the universe have been sharing what folks are thankful for. Sounds innocent enough, right? Apparently not.

You know that tradition of not naming names during acceptance speeches lest someone be forgotten? There has to be a little wisdom there. I've heard of a couple different scenarios in which a person's gratitude shoutout left someone feeling snubbed.

Are thank you's like chewing gum? Should you not dare to "unwrap a stick" unless you brought enough for everyone?

Now here's a sticky wicket if I've ever seen one. What if I'm thankful for friend A, but now friend B is hurt? Am I supposed to not be thankful to friend A? Should I keep it a secret, lest I offend? If so, how is that fair to friend A? If this is the case, when does it end? And -- I know I'm being a tad ballsy here, but what the hey -- at what point do adults need to take responsibility for their own choices?

Call me crazy, but when we act in kindness I thought it we were supposed to do so with no strings attached. Then again, that would be me extending my expectations on others and this is how we ended up here in the first place.

Long sigh.

So today's blog is less about me discovering insight and more about me arriving at a conclusion without any real way too express my reasonining. For me it's a gut feeling that says sometimes, every now and again, folks might need to take a breath, pull on their big girl (or boy) pants, and get over themselves.

On the flipside, I've been there -- on the corner of "What about me?" and "Why do I even bother?" avenues. I'm not proud of it, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it stings when I contribute and someone else gets the accolades.

Petty? Maybe.

Human? Undeniably.

I can't help wondering about this one and wishing I had the sense that I know exactly where I stand on it. Moreover, I can't help wondering what others think so give me whatchagot!

Until next,


Body Attack @ Red Barn

Okay, let me first say that I realize this title sounds like a horror flick or an adult film of some sort. I know. While there was grunting and sweating, I assure you it's not that kind of blog.

Yesterday I attended the Red Barn health club's launch of two Les Mills programs: Body Attack and Sh'Bam. Here are my thoughts on the experience.

My friend Nidrah & I shared the 30 minute drive down 820 to Mansfield and the first thing that we discovered was that it's a real barn. Like, cows & pigs & hay real. Okay. Second thought, is that these folks know how to host an event. There's a parking attendant & friendly staff members to welcome us in. Love it! & the experience is all up hill from there.

Speaking of uphill, they have an all terrain track outdoors with whimsical touches like vintage cars. Nice. I'm excited within the first few steps inside. A stage with a vintage car as a backdrop & sparkly lights that read "Red Barn." There's also what looks like a church pew in the back where folks are stowing water & gym bags. Now I'm giggling. This is going to be a blast.

Then the workout begins & we are sweating and grunting so much we don't have time to give each other "what were we thinking" looks. We are in "the zone." For Insanity lovers, Body Attack is like chocolate cake with ice cream on top -- goooooood stuff!!! Athletic style training with enthusiastic motivation & fun music. Loved it.

Then came Sh'Bam. You may wonder what on earth you could possibly want to do after 55 minutes of plyometrics & athletic drills. Typically, I'd tell you nothing. Maybe a little couch time with a bucket of water. However, I have to say, that Sh'Bam was a fun way to punctuate such an insane workout. Instructor Nicole Sanchez was a hoot! I'm still not sure which was more fun -- the workout or the instructor -- but I know that when it was time to go I was a little sad & that's saying something when it comes to an intense morning of fitness.

So that's the scoop. A unique setting, a challenging workout, an encouraging & welcoming staff. What more could I ask for? I'll tell you: I'd love to do it again soon!!!

Until next,


A Cheeky Confession

Well, the time I've spent with Leandro has been fabulous. Brazil Butt Lift was good ole cheek smackin fun, but now it's time to move on to Brett's Rev Abs.

The plan is to kick start Rev Abs on Thursday, 9/1 and work through the program until December. I'll take that merry old month off & hit P90X2 hard come January 1.

I have to say that it feels odd starting a new program without having shared the Brazil Butt Lift experience with you. I kind of feel like I snuck that one in -- all DL & what not. Here's the truth of it:

1. I just can't bring myself to take a pic of my booty -- not the pre or post booty. Sorry. I know I should be a bigger person, but the very thought of showing ya'll the bum bum makes me do a brown girl blush - which you can't see, but it's sooooo there! I will say, that I've received my husband's full approval and he is willing to provide references upon request. (Not really, my husband is painfully shy &, per the new booty, blissfully happy.)

2. Speaking of the brown girl thing, it's kind of embarrassing to admit that I even needed booty intervention. I mean, we should have that in the bag right? Wrong! Oh, lord, so wrong. I have never had any booty to speak of & I come from a line of flat & wides so consider that one myth that is officially de-bunked! I knew Leandro's moves were working when folks started commenting on my rump. One woman actually bemoaned a sagging rump while dismissing mine as "natural." Ha! Natural my a$$. It's all Ipanema walks & Samba tornadoes over here baby.

3. I have to say that the whole process has been one of those closet endeavors. You know, the secret workouts you do and only talk about after it works. Kinda like getting hair extensions, new boobs or a tummy tuck. No one announces it before. You use back entrances & call in sick. But after, you're all nonchalant when someone notices that you look great but can't quite put their finger on why.

And so, here I stand with my bum finally bigger than my gut. It's kinda nice. & yes, you will now be tempted to sneak a peek at the old rumpus-ka-dumpus the next time we meet. It's cool. I'm on the other side of the hump now (excuse the pun).

Now, the plan is to attack my tummy. The basics are in place. By some unexpected miracle, I've managed to pull the post-cesarean "apron" back into place. I even have fledgling muscles in place. I have just enough success at having things I NEVER even imagined that I say, what the heck? I'm goin for it & I'm goin public - so there!

Do I seriously think I can do it? You bet this sweet rump I do!

Until next,



Everything that is or was began with a dream. - Lavagirl, from The Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl

So, I've been off the grid for a while. Life has been an amazing ride that I am still having difficulty wrapping my brain around. For starters, I'm kinda living the dream. I know, corny. True just the same.

I'm working online pretty regularly which is SA-WEET! I love helping people reach their goals and written communication has been my life for so long.

I'm also doing well with Beachbody. I can't even begin to explain what it's like to match people with products and services that they want and need -- AND get paid for it. Mind blowin.

The ringer though, the absolute booty smacker, is that I'm now teaching 7 group exercises a week. Seven. Me. I can barely even type the words. It took so long to believe that I could be here, let alone taking others by the hand and leading them along with me in the fitness journey.

It's all true though. Deliciously and divinely true.

Funny thing is, I never even dared to dream this dream for myself. Other people - I like to call them fitness angels - came along and did it for me. Betty Gutierrez, my personal trainer, kick started the idea that I prefer athletic style training. She said this when I was nearly 50 lbs overweight and had almost no cardio endurance. At the time I was so embarrased by her confidence that I could hardly make eye contact.

Before that, I didn't play a single sport in my youth - at least not without quitting after a week or so.

Mindy Lawhorne looked at me (without laughing) and suggested that I be trained as a Hip Hop Hustle instructor. Me? Did she see that I was still cardio-challenged? Did she see that I was still a little, um, fluffy? I'm sure she did, but she also saw what was inside & planted a seed in the soil of my soul.

Amanda Wold challenged me to become a Beachbody coach and later to vlog my Insanity journey which sounded so ridiculous that I just had to do it. I mean, who in the heck would even know I was on YouTube? Turns out the joke was on me with over 100 views on some of those :oP.

There were countless others who came along with sunshine and cool drinks of loving water to cultivate my dreams. Their efforts are what bring me to you, in this moment, with these words:

You can do it. You may not even know what "it" is, but know that it is within your reach. It's there now, waiting for you to claim it.

Until next,