
The 5K Journey Begins

So today, it's officially "go time" on my secret master plan (which, by the way, involves me running a 5K). I found my route, laced up my sexy new Ryka shoes (Clemmy still doesn't entirely trust the new shoes), and donned all of my equipment: cell phone & keys in the booty pocket of my pants, bodybugg on left arm, IPOD on right.

I kind of felt like Batman with his utility belts, but I also felt very athletic.

My progress was slow, but respectable. I ran about 35% of the total distance which is waaaaay more than I would have two months ago. I'm not sure if I've mentioned the praises of cross training, but diversifying your fitness activities really makes a difference.

Currently, I'm dancing Zumba for fun and massive calorie burn. I try to get there at least twice a week. I also take yoga twice a week for flexibility, posture, breathing and core strength. Believe it or not, Betty the Meanie (my trainer) "prescribed" yoga and I have been very impressed with the results.

Speaking of Sweaty Betty, I train with her for one hour every two weeks and then one of the work outs she's given me two to three days a week on my own. It works well because one day soon I'll have to cut the cord and apply what I've learned solo!

Every Friday I take a group weight lifting and cardio class that is kind of a fusion between step and circuit training. It's a booty buster!

Sunday's are for Everlast Shadow boxing -- the second highest calorie burner in my week.

For a fun break, there's always Dance Dance Revolution -- a similar calorie burn to jogging or Zumba. This is soooo fun and family friendly because my kids "coach" me as I do it.

I'm not sure why, but cycling (my first love) has fallen by the waste side. I'll probably find my way back, after all, I bought shoes and nothing motivates me like capital outlay.

So back to my 5K training. . . Each of these activities have contributed to my confidence in getting out there on the road. I was out there for about an hour (I never claimed to be fast) and in that time I burned a little over 500 calories and got to listen to a few of my favorite songs.

The best thing? The range of emotion I felt. I was excited, exhausted, terrified (when a guy in a plumbing truck pulled a u-turn next to me -- turned out he missed his street), and complimented (when a few gardners made a comment about the women in rich neighborhoods in Spanish without knowing I understood, yeah Yo intiendo, baby!).

Compared to sitting in a little bubble and eating while I watch television, getting out there and experiencing the gamut of emotion felt absolutely thrilling. I even started thinking about a few characters I'd forgotten I plan to get writing this afternoon.

If you are starting your journey, I'd love to hear from you. If you are further along, I'd love your advice. And if you are taking baby steps with me, holla at ya girl!

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