Everything that is or was began with a dream. - Lavagirl, from The Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl
So, I've been off the grid for a while. Life has been an amazing ride that I am still having difficulty wrapping my brain around. For starters, I'm kinda living the dream. I know, corny. True just the same.
I'm working online pretty regularly which is SA-WEET! I love helping people reach their goals and written communication has been my life for so long.
I'm also doing well with Beachbody. I can't even begin to explain what it's like to match people with products and services that they want and need -- AND get paid for it. Mind blowin.
The ringer though, the absolute booty smacker, is that I'm now teaching 7 group exercises a week. Seven. Me. I can barely even type the words. It took so long to believe that I could be here, let alone taking others by the hand and leading them along with me in the fitness journey.
It's all true though. Deliciously and divinely true.
Funny thing is, I never even dared to dream this dream for myself. Other people - I like to call them fitness angels - came along and did it for me. Betty Gutierrez, my personal trainer, kick started the idea that I prefer athletic style training. She said this when I was nearly 50 lbs overweight and had almost no cardio endurance. At the time I was so embarrased by her confidence that I could hardly make eye contact.
Before that, I didn't play a single sport in my youth - at least not without quitting after a week or so.
Mindy Lawhorne looked at me (without laughing) and suggested that I be trained as a Hip Hop Hustle instructor. Me? Did she see that I was still cardio-challenged? Did she see that I was still a little, um, fluffy? I'm sure she did, but she also saw what was inside & planted a seed in the soil of my soul.
Amanda Wold challenged me to become a Beachbody coach and later to vlog my Insanity journey which sounded so ridiculous that I just had to do it. I mean, who in the heck would even know I was on YouTube? Turns out the joke was on me with over 100 views on some of those :oP.
There were countless others who came along with sunshine and cool drinks of loving water to cultivate my dreams. Their efforts are what bring me to you, in this moment, with these words:
You can do it. You may not even know what "it" is, but know that it is within your reach. It's there now, waiting for you to claim it.
Until next,
So, I've been off the grid for a while. Life has been an amazing ride that I am still having difficulty wrapping my brain around. For starters, I'm kinda living the dream. I know, corny. True just the same.
I'm working online pretty regularly which is SA-WEET! I love helping people reach their goals and written communication has been my life for so long.
I'm also doing well with Beachbody. I can't even begin to explain what it's like to match people with products and services that they want and need -- AND get paid for it. Mind blowin.
The ringer though, the absolute booty smacker, is that I'm now teaching 7 group exercises a week. Seven. Me. I can barely even type the words. It took so long to believe that I could be here, let alone taking others by the hand and leading them along with me in the fitness journey.
It's all true though. Deliciously and divinely true.
Funny thing is, I never even dared to dream this dream for myself. Other people - I like to call them fitness angels - came along and did it for me. Betty Gutierrez, my personal trainer, kick started the idea that I prefer athletic style training. She said this when I was nearly 50 lbs overweight and had almost no cardio endurance. At the time I was so embarrased by her confidence that I could hardly make eye contact.
Before that, I didn't play a single sport in my youth - at least not without quitting after a week or so.
Mindy Lawhorne looked at me (without laughing) and suggested that I be trained as a Hip Hop Hustle instructor. Me? Did she see that I was still cardio-challenged? Did she see that I was still a little, um, fluffy? I'm sure she did, but she also saw what was inside & planted a seed in the soil of my soul.
Amanda Wold challenged me to become a Beachbody coach and later to vlog my Insanity journey which sounded so ridiculous that I just had to do it. I mean, who in the heck would even know I was on YouTube? Turns out the joke was on me with over 100 views on some of those :oP.
There were countless others who came along with sunshine and cool drinks of loving water to cultivate my dreams. Their efforts are what bring me to you, in this moment, with these words:
You can do it. You may not even know what "it" is, but know that it is within your reach. It's there now, waiting for you to claim it.
Until next,